Olivia Chang Stunts

Olivia Chang stunt doubling
Grey’s Anatomy Sandra Oh

A member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) since 1997, Olivia enjoys working in the film industry because no two jobs are the same and she is surrounded by a variety of creative people.  Her first jobs consisted of playing Asian refugees and getting killed.  So what a relief it was when she began stunt doubling lead actresses who get to live and do different actions!

She earned her black belt in Japanese Shotokan karate and is proficient in hand gun use, SCUBA  diving and stunt driving.  She speaks conversational Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese and survival Spanish and French.  This became handy when she had to speak Chinese in State of Play (2009) and work on a scene with Russell Crowe.

Olivia is a ground-pounder and team player who perseveres through difficult conditions and long hours.  She’s hit concrete, swum in 50-degree ocean water in lingerie and gang-kicked full contact.